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  • Writer's pictureJoseph Murillo

Surviving Quarantine

When we were sent home in March, many took for granted how we would never go back to how things were before. Quarantine shaped lifestyles for millions of people around the world.


The last seven months have been tough on everyone, however many new hobbies sprouted from the boredom we all suffered. One of these hobbies for me was hiking. Every Saturday and Sunday, me and my sister would go hiking in various location in and around Orange County. One of the most frequent locations we visited, was Bonita Falls. Hiking is a fun and exhilarating way to get great exercise.

One other activity that kept me going during quarantine was playing my guitar. I have always enjoyed playing this fun instrument. At times however, it got frustrating, learning scales and moving around the fret board. This only grew my interest in playing the guitar. I learned a couple iconic songs, like: The Wind Cries Mary by Jimi Hendrix, Babe Im Gonna Leave You by Led Zeppelin, and Angie by The Rolling Stones.

Finally, the last thing that has entertained me during these seven months was Basketball (NBA). The NBA season although slighlty delayed, was really fun to watch. I placed about 4 bets with friends or family members than the Los Angeles Lakers would win the championship, i made about $600 that month.

So, although we were locked up for seven months, so many people found so many weird and fun things to do with their spare time. When things look blue, find a way to flip it around and make the best of it!

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