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  • Writer's pictureJoseph Murillo

Christmas Break Blog Post.

Christmas Break was pretty slow. I didn't travel much, just the occasional outing. I went to Disneyland the second week of break and saw the beach once the rain had stopped and the sun came out. I also went on an uneventful fishing trip on New Years Day. All in all, the break served to rest up and relax.


The first thing I did on vacation was go to Disneyland (on the first week). Since at the time everyone needed a reservation to enter the parks, it was a lot less packed, the lines on rides that were ages to get on were cut in half and it made for a better experience since you were able to get on more rides in less time. This is my favorite picture because of the ambience, it plays into the theme of the dark side.

There are also some other pictures I got over break. I went to Irvine Lake to fish with my uncles and cousins on New Years Day. Unfortunately it wasn't the most lucrative trip, we only caught a 2lb. rainbow trout. I also went to the beach and took a couple of weird pictures, I tried some dangerous angles that put my phone in jeopardy.

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